Pay Attention To Your Dog!

So, Cali got into a small scuffle at the dog park today. This is usually a rare occurrence. Cali is a female mix of Pit Bull and Border Collie. She is completely harmless, but on occasion, when another dog gets in her space, she will let them know in a defensive way not to go there.


For the most part, I enjoy going to the dog park. The people are nice and 98 percent of the dogs are not aggressive or dominant. I always scope out “the scene” when entering the park.  With anything in life, there are always a few bad apples within a crowd.  Today the park was full and I was feeling a slight vibe of doggie trouble.

My dogs are social, but we tend to keep to ourselves as they are more interested in tennis balls instead of chasing around other dogs. While taking a break, Cali laid in the shade enjoying her time at the dog park. From the herds of circling dogs, a mix German Shepard came up to Cali. Without even blinking twice, I knew there was going to be a fight.  Within thirty seconds, this dog was in Cali’s face and she instantly went into defense mode. The scuffle only lasted a few seconds as I shouted “Hey, Hey,” but the confrontation was aggressive enough for either dog to sustain a injury. Luckily my sixth sense kicked in to breakup the fight so this was not to case.

The part that irritates me Is the owners of this German Shepard were no where to be found.  This dog is a dominated Alpha dog and should be supervised at all times.  To me personally, this is dog ownership irresponsibility. Most dog owners, actually almost all, stay close and watch their dogs freely roam the park.  But, there’s always a few in the crowd that think there dogs are perfect and don’t cause trouble. These are the dogs that do get into doggie scuffles! PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR DOG! And that’s my two and a half cents on dog park etiquette.