

Hi ALL!!

I am going to keep this short because I’m back in a sober living environment in Prescott, Arizona.   It’s been a rough battle the last several months with continual relapse.  I believe after 25 years of struggling with a horrible cross addiction to many things; IT IS TIME to get it right, and not bullshit.  I have the upper power to guide me on this tough journey, and the 12 steps (the book to be as the guide to a new life) to keep me strong.   I will be writing less here for the moment but plan to return in a few months after working the steps and getting back to a sober word.  Remember, getting sober is the hardest thing an individual will do; something I don’t want to ever do again.  It’s time to be sober for good.


OK, ON A REAL HAPPY NOTE.   A friend in the sober living house introduced me this band out of New Zealand called the Starbugs.  This is truly amazing, and everyone one should take 3:26 to watch these kids from down under take a Bob Dylan song and make it shine.  I guarantee you that this song will make you happy, bouncy, and just make your day.   I was totally blown away by this.  I hope you enjoy it.







Aging Gracefully

I was going to write something on “vacations for doggies” but that will have to wait.  I am in a “transitional period” and with that comes reflection.  I just wanted to reflect on my dog, Patches.  He has been with me for almost 10 years, he’s a world champion flyball dog, and is coming near retirement.  I am grateful for him as he sits here gracefully.  (**



Going for a ride.

Going for a ride.


Vintage, Patches hanging out in Old Scottsdale.


I really enjoy the fact that Patches is such a rock star (yes he’s been in Petsmart commercials) and does well on front of a camera. One more before we get into the topic of “dog vacations”.


Interlude to the next post, “Dogs need vacations too”

I realize, in a world full of people and stress, dogs get just as stressed too!  With this in mind, stay tuned for the next blog on how dogs also need vacations, to chill down.  Here’s a picture from my “dog vacation get away” in Old Town Scottsdale.


Patches, hanging in Old Town Scottsdale.

Patches, hanging in Old Town Scottsdale.