Our Guardians

Whether you believe in God, angels, aliens, etc., every single one of us walking on this earth has a guardian. Usually, when you hear the definition of “guardian” most of the time it refers to something mysterious or spiritual. The guardian might be a friend, parent or close relative that is no longer walking on this sacred earth.

I had an experience the other evening while I was at a casino in Palm Springs that was a little bit out of the ordinary. I was also there with my good friend, Sheila, that I went to high school with 25 years ago. Now, what makes this story odd is Joe (a person I met in the casino) did not know me from Adam. Yet, what he did know was that I have an extremely important person (i.e. Sheila) in my life.  It was almost as if Joe was dropped out of a spaceship just for that moment of time to explain why Shelia has come (or returned) into my life at this certain history of time. Everything that came out of Joe’s mouth made complete and perfect sense to me.

Do you ever feel there are certain moments in this strange life that people enter to carry a message to you, even if it’s just in passing? Well, I certainly believe my big guardian (my grandfather) put Sheila in my life now and he had to send Joe down to tell me to wake the f#%k up with this woman.  Appreciate her, be kind and respectful, and do not take whatever this friendship is for granted. And as Joe went on his way; he left me with this song playing in my head.